Principles of Biology II (BSC 116)
Spring 2020 Lecture: MWF 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM, 328 Lloyd Hall Required Text: Campbell Biology, 11th edition by Reece et al. See the syllabus (below) for full details on the course. Course materials are available through Blackboard. |
Principles of Biology (BSC 116) syllabus
The syllabus covers all of the the administrative details related to the course including prerequisites, course description, course objectives and learning goals, outline of topics covered for the semester, attendance policy, grading policy, the policy for making up missed work, required texts and other course materials, the UA Statement on Academic Misconduct, and the UA Statement on Disability Accommodations.
Other course materials
All other course materials including lecture handouts, grades, links to media presented in class, suggested reading, etc. will be made available via Blackboard.