Principal Investigator
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Researchers
Former Postdoctoral Researchers & Fellows
Former Graduate Students
Meghan Yap-Chiongco Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Copenhagen |
Former Undergraduate Researchers
- Caroline Bond (graduated spring 2021) - Biodiveristy and evolution of the solenogaster mollusc family Gymnomeniidae
- Justin Cox (graduated spring 2019) - Population genetics of the hemi-pelagic Antarctic sea cucumber Peniagone using DNA barcoding
- Ava Deas - Antarctic invertebrate biodiversity
- Maddie Brewster (graduated spring 2019) - Biodiversity of deep-sea Icelandic invertebrates
- Katie Gill (graduated spring 2018) - Biodiversity of Icelandic aplacophoran molluscs
- Josh Goble (graduated fall 2018) - DNA barcoding of Icelandic aplacophoran molluscs; Honors Thesis
- Tessa Hawkins (graduated spring 2017) - Biodiveristy of Wirenia (Mollusca, Aplacophora, Solenogastres)
- Megan Joos - Systematics of Scaphopoda
- Elizabeth Kantzler (graduated spring 2019); Mitogenomics of deep-sea Icelandic Euphrosindiae
- Lainy Lee (graduated summer 2016) - Morphology and population genetics of deep-sea Icelandic annelids using scanning electron microscopy and DNA barcoding
- Emily Pabst (graduated spring 2019) - Phylogenomics of Nudipleura (Nudibranchia + Pleurobranchomorpha; Mollusca, Gastropoda); Phylogenomics of Mollusca using transcriptome and ultraconserved element (UCE) data; Publication
- Ryan Partain (graduated fall 2018) - Description of a new species of Wirenia (Mollusca, Solenogastres) from New Zealand
- Gabe Penot (graduated fall 2023)
- Carter Pruett (graduated spring 2020) - Biodiversity of Alabama freshwater mussels in the genus Amblema
- Rayne Riden (graduated spring 2016) - Biodiversity of deep-sea aplacophoran molluscs from New Zealand and Iceland
- Nathanael Rohlwing (graduated fall 2023)
- Jamie Sarmiento - Molecular characterization of Levisunguis subaequalis Curran, Overstreet, Collins, & Benz, 2014 (Maxillopoda: Pentastomida) from novel host species
- Morgann Smith (graduated spring 2020) - Biodiversity of deep-sea Icelandic invertebrates
- Karsyn Whitmann (graduated summer 2016) - Morphology and population genetics of deep-sea Icelandic annelids using scanning electron microscopy and DNA barcoding